Some time ago I started creating a program using the Mercury programming language to create images using the Escape Time algorithm. The goal was to learn about the language by solving a small problem.
The current result of this experiment can be found here Here's a list of things I learned.
Terms for configuration files
For this program I wanted to have a configuration file to specify :
- The resolution of the final image
- The coordinates used to render the fractal
- The formula to use with the escape time algorithm
- The palette to be used to render the final image
To create this configuration file I could use XML or create a special file format and parse it using Mercury's DCG. However I chose to use a different alternative, which is to use the term
Here's an example of the configuration file:
top_left(-2.0, 1.5),
bottom_right(1.0 , -1.5),
formula(z*z + z + c),
range(from(10, 30, 40), to(30, 50, 76),127),
range(from(200, 100, 50),to(150, 0, 0),100),
range(from(200, 100, 50),to(150, 10, 10),27),
Here I'm saying that:
- The image will have a 320px by 200px resolution
- The
coordinates of this image are between -2.0 and 1.0 in the X axis and 1.5 and 1.5 in the Y axis
- The formula used in the escape time algorithm will be
z*z + z + c
- The palette will be constructed with the given ranges of colors
In order to read these term I used the term and parser modules which provides an easy interface for reading terms.
Here's a code snippet showing how the file is being loaded.
:- pred read_fractal_configuration_from_file(
io::di, io::uo) is det.
read_fractal_configuration_from_file(FileName, Configurati onResult, !IO) :-
parser.read_term_filename( FileName, ReadTermResult, !IO),
((ReadTermResult = term(_, Term),
term_to_fractal_configuration(Term, ConfigurationResult))
; (ReadTermResult = error(ErrMessage, _),
ConfigurationResult = error(ErrMessage))
; (ReadTermResult = eof,
ConfigurationResult = error("Empty file"))
The parser.read_term_filename
reads these terms to a term
data structure. The term_to_fractal_configuration
predicate creates a configuration structure from these terms. An error is returned if the file doesn't have the expected structure. This is archived using the maybe_error
data type.
Here's an example of how the first part of the configuration is loaded:
:- pred term_to_fractal_configuration(
maybe_error(fractal_configuration)::out) is det.
term_to_fractal_configuration(Term, Result) :-
(if Term = functor(atom("fractal_config"),Args,_) then
term_to_fractal_config_resolution(Args, Result)
error_message_with_location("Expecting 'fractal_config'",Term, Message),
Result = error(Message)
One interesting feature of the term
library is that it stores line number information. This makes it easy to report errors that occurred in a specific line of the input file:
:- pred error_message_with_location(
string::out) is det.
error_message_with_location(Msg, functor(_, _, context(_, Line)), ResultMsg) :-
string.append(", at line:",string.int_to_string(Line),TmpString),
string.append(Msg, TmpString, ResultMsg).
error_message_with_location(Msg, variable(_, context(_,Line)), ResultMsg) :-
string.append(", at line:",string.int_to_string(Line),TmpString),
string.append(Msg, TmpString, ResultMsg).
Now the main predicate for reading the documentation from terms is the following:
:- pred term_to_fractal_config_resolution(
term_to_fractal_config_resolution(Terms, Result) :-
(if Terms = [functor(atom("image_resolution"),
[ functor(integer(Width), _, _),
functor(integer(Height), _, _) ],
_)|Rest1] then
(if Rest1 = [functor(atom("top_left"),
[ functor(float(LeftX), _, _),
functor(float(TopY), _, _) ],
_)|Rest2] then
(if Rest2 = [functor(atom("bottom_right"),
[ functor(float(RightX), _, _),
functor(float(BottomY), _, _) ],
_)|Rest3] then
(if Rest3 = [functor(atom("formula"), [Term], _)|Rest4], term_to_expression(Term, ok(Expr)) then
(if Rest4 = [PaletteConfig], term_to_palette_config(PaletteConfig, ok(Palette)) then
Result = ok(config( { Width, Height },
{ LeftX, TopY },
{ RightX, BottomY },
Result = error("Error reading palette")
Result = error("Error reading formula"))
Result = error("Error expecting: bottom_right(float,float)")
Result = error("Error expecting: top_left(float,float)")
Result = error("Error expecting: image_resolution(int,int)")
One improvement opportunity here is to separate this predicate into several parts to avoid this nesting structure.
As shown above our final goal is to create a result of the following type:
:- type fractal_configuration --->
config( { int, int }, % image resolution
{ float, float }, % top left cartesian coordinates
{ float, float }, % bottom right cartesian coordinates
expression, % formula
array({ int, int, int })). % palette
This structure provides the necessary information to render the fractal. One special datatype here is expression
which is used to store the formula used with the escape time algorithm.
This data type looks like this:
:- type operator ---> times ; plus ; minus ; division.
:- type expression --->
; var(string)
; imaginary
; bin_operation(expression, operator, expression).
Since the term
library parser can parse arithmetic expressions, I can write simple code that translates terms to these abstract datatype.
Here's the definition of the predicate that does the translation:
:- pred term_to_expression(term(string)::in, maybe_error(expression)::out) is det.
term_to_expression(functor(atom(AtomStr),Ops,_), Expr) :-
(if (Ops = [Op1,Op2],
term_to_expression(Op1, ok(Op1Expr)),
term_to_expression(Op2, ok(Op2Expr))) then
Expr = ok(bin_operation(Op1Expr, Operator, Op2Expr))
(if Ops = [] then
(if AtomStr = "i" then
Expr = ok(imaginary)
Expr = ok(var(AtomStr)))
Expr = error("Error"))
term_to_expression(functor(float(X),_,_), Expr) :-
Expr = ok(literal_num(X)).
term_to_expression(functor(integer(X),_,_), Expr) :-
Expr = ok(literal_num(float(X))).
term_to_expression(functor(big_integer(_,_),_,_), error("Error")).
term_to_expression(functor(string(_),_,_), error("Error")).
term_to_expression(functor(implementation_defined(_),_,_), error("Error")).
term_to_expression(variable(_,_), error("Error")).
Reading the palette
The palette used by the escape time algorithm is just an array of colors. The configuration file allows two kinds of elements for specifying the colors :
single(RED, GREEN, BLUE)
a single color for the current entry
range(from(RED1, GREEN1, BLUE1), to(RED1, GREEN2, BLUE2), COUNT)
to create a range of colors of COUNT
steps between the two colors.
The following code reads the palette configuration:
:- pred terms_to_palette(
list({int, int, int})::in,
maybe_error(array({int,int,int}))::out) is det.
terms_to_palette([],TmpResult, ok(ResultArray)) :-
list.reverse(TmpResult, ReversedList),
array.from_list(ReversedList, ResultArray).
terms_to_palette([Term|Rest],TmpResult,Result) :-
(if Term = functor(atom("single"),
_) then
terms_to_palette(Rest, [{R,G,B}|TmpResult], Result)
(if Term = functor(atom("range"),[
], _) then
int_interpolate_funcs(R1, R2, 1, Count, _, R2RFunc),
int_interpolate_funcs(G1, G2, 1, Count, _, G2GFunc),
int_interpolate_funcs(B1, B2, 1, Count, _, B2BFunc),
gen_colors_for_range(1, Count, R2RFunc, G2GFunc, B2BFunc, [], RangeList),
list.append(TmpResult, RangeList, NewTmpResult),
terms_to_palette(Rest, NewTmpResult, Result)
Result = error("Problem reading palette configuration"))
Given the following configuration:
range(from(20,244,100), to(200,0,56), 15),
We can generate the following palette:
1. {20, 244, 100}
2. {32, 226, 96}
3. {45, 209, 93}
4. {58, 191, 90}
5. {71, 174, 87}
6. {84, 156, 84}
7. {97, 139, 81}
8. {110, 122, 78}
9. {122, 104, 74}
10. {135, 87, 71}
11. {148, 69, 68}
12. {161, 52, 65}
13. {174, 34, 62}
14. {187, 17, 59}
15. {200, 0, 56}
16. {0, 0, 0}